Anleitungen zum Einschlafen

Performative Reading

Links: (clickable)

Live-Episode Moyn 2024



Anleitungen zum Einschlafen are here for you when you need a break from the hustle and bustle of the festival. A shimmering wormhole that makes you wonder, just for a moment, where you've ended up—before you stop thinking altogether and let yourself drift away. From the carefully crafted words of an instruction manual and dreamy ambient soundscapes, a universe unfolds, inviting you to surrender and sink into it.

What began in 2023 as a sleep podcast evolved in 2024 into an immersive live experience: a one-hour festival performance that blends its signature instructional prose with ethereal soundscapes of synthesizer tones and looped music boxes.

This performative reading disrupts wakeful logic, creating surreal moments to be enjoyed in a waking state, a sleeping state, or somewhere in between. In 2024, we sent festivalgoers into sweet dreams at Nachtiville, Meeresrausch, Prärie, Bucht der Träumer*, Moyn, Atoll Amore, and Tarmac Festival. And we’re not stopping: in 2025, we will open our wormhole once again, bringing Anleitungen zum Einschlafen to both new and familiar places.