The Edge of Chaos

TXTX x KROK is the new collaboration of these two Berlin based musicians. Txintxu is an electronic music producer and krokmonsieur is a composer and multiinstrumentalist.
Their EP `The Edge of Chaos´ is based around the concept of controlled chaos and randomizing processes. It is about exploring ways to integrate algorithms, random generators and other conceptual techniques to produce their music. The result is a vibrant mix of breakbeats, odd meters and clustered windsections, well curated into a modern understanding of electronic music.
Written and produced by Sebastian Faust and Paco Chinchurreta
Mixed and mastered by Ralf Burgmayer
Artwork by Nathan Stone
Written and produced by Sebastian Faust and Paco Chinchurreta
Mixed and mastered by Ralf Burgmayer
Artwork by Nathan Stone